Friday Night Lights, 5 Recs, Julie Taylor/Tim Riggins

Aug 14, 2011 00:02

Fandom Category: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Julie Taylor/Tim Riggins
Fic Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Author: luckylily381
Link: LiveJournal | FF.Net
Rating/Warning(s): M
Genre: Romance/Drama
Special Rec: 15/48

Why This Must Be Read: It's the perfect story. The beginning, the middle and the ending. It's Julie and Tim, their ups and downs, lots of steamy make-out sessions - pretty much everything a Julie/Tim shipper wants. My absolute favourite of this pairing.

Fandom Category: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Julie Taylor/Tim Riggins
Fic Title: Awake and Dreaming
Author: southern_cross
Link: FF.Net
Rating/Warning(s): T
Genre: Romance
Special Rec: 16/48

Why This Must Be Read: Told from Julie's POV, it's about how Tim is driving her crazy after leaving Lyla for good. It's incredible funny to read southern_cross's Julie, especially when Tim is near.

Fandom Category: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Julie Taylor/Tim Riggins
Fic Title: Clear Eyes
Author: luckylily381
Link: FF.Net
Rating/Warning(s): K+
Genre: Romance
Special Rec: 17/48

Why This Must Be Read: A look at the relationship of Julie and Tim from another person's perspective. How one has to look really close to see the differences between how Tim treats the usual girls and how he is with Julie.

Fandom Category: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Julie Taylor/Tim Riggins
Fic Title: Rescue
Author: southern_cross
Link: FF.Net
Rating/Warning(s): T
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Special Rec: 18/48

Why This Must Be Read: The Taylors to the rescue and suddenly Tim finds himself part of their family. Each scene shows he slowly grows closer to Julie, without really relizing it.

Fandom Category: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Julie Taylor/Tim Riggins
Fic Title: Building Shelters
Author: myrifique
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Special Rec: 19/48

Why This Must Be Read: They missed the turning point three times but the fourth time is their lucky one. It's awkward sometimes, sad in one, grey in another but the end makes up for all of them.

ship: julie taylor/tim riggins, special reccer: mercscilla, fandom: friday night lights

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