Darklight (2004), 2 Recs, Elle (Lilith)/William Shaw

Aug 11, 2011 22:18

Fandom Category: Darklight (2004)
Pairing: Elle (Lilith)/William Shaw
Fic Title: Lamedh
Author: rhyo
Link: LiveJournal
Rating/Warning(s): PG (demons, angst)
Genre: Angst-ish
Special Rec: 14/48

Why This Must Be Read: I always thought there had happened something between Will and Lilith in the cave and rhyo has created the perfect background story for them. Full of angst with a smidge of dominating romance.

Fandom Category: Darklight (2004)
Pairing: Elle (Lilith)/William Shaw
Fic Title: Waiting for Forgiveness
Author: Venus Smurf
Link: FF.Net
Rating/Warning(s): K
Genre: Angst/Romance
Special Rec: 15/48

Why This Must Be Read: Venus Smurf gives Lilith such a human side, it actually makes the movie pale in comparison. In talking to the Prefect, Lilith can finally voice all the fears she has bottled up inside, especially the fear to lose William and his trust.

fandom: darklight (2004), special reccer: mercscilla, ship: elle (lilith)/william shaw

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