"The Living" by cidercupcakes (NC-17)

Aug 07, 2011 20:59

Fandom Category: The Hitcher (2007)
Pairing: Grace Andrews/John Ryder
Fic Title: The Living
Author: cidercupcakes
Link: LiveJournal | AO3
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17 (Explicit, Het, Zombies, Bad Language)
Genre: Horror/Action(/Romance)
Special Rec: 9/48

Why This Must Be Read: Unlikely as it seems, zombies kind of fit into the setting of The Hitcher. On the run from the undead, John and Grace develop a 'relationship' that, in the light of their situation, is almost normal. cidercupcakes keeps the character, they don't suddenly turn all lovely dovely, and that is exactly what makes this story worthwhile. My favourite parts are the ones where Grace struggles with herself and in the end decides to give in to John. More or less.

ship: grace andrews/john ryder, special reccer: mercscilla, fandom: the hitcher (2007)

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