Fandom Category: Sailor Moon
Pairing: Usagi Tsukino/Mamoru Chiba
Fic Title: Choices
Author: harukami
Link: G, Spoilers for the episode where the senshi all go to the future
Genre: Romance/Adventure/Drama
Why This Must Be Read: I stumbled into this fic by accident, drawn in by the author's presentation of it... and well, I was charmed in a very odd, bitter way. This is set in anime verse, and it takes in account every inconsistency in Usagi and Mamoru characters to weave connections and explanations that make a FRIGHTENING lot of sense. It's a mature Endymion POV on how Crystal Tokyo and his future with the Queen Serenity came to be, despite Usagi and Mamoru's immaturities and weaknesses.
While the razor-sharp edge of this piece hurt a little the romantic in me I can't deny it has a bitter, dark allure. It should be read by any and every fan of the pairing or of the Fandom.