Haven Audrey/Nathan recs

Jul 28, 2011 17:57

With season 2 having just started I decided to search thru the fandom and see what I could find. Here are my faves so far:

Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey/Nathan
Fic Title: Hereafter
Author: vega rin
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7102419/1/Hereafter
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Angst/Romance
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Pre season 2. The future and past jumps might confuse you but read through the whole thing - you see where Nathan is now, how he got there and how Audrey is the one thing in both his past, present and future that is important to him. I got a little teary.

Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey/Nathan
Fic Title: Questioning Fate
Author: AnitaB
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6403848/1/Questioning_Fate
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Romance
WIP?: not sure - could be considered undone but currently is at a point that could be considered complete

Why This Must Be Read: Season 1 - sometime around episode 10. Things are steamy... lots of passionate touching and loving sex.

Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey/Nathan
Fic Title: Lips
Author: Traviosita9124
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7208880/1/Lips
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Romance
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Post episode season 2 episode 2 - sometimes doing the right thing gets you the girl. Some more hot sex following the episode.

Fandom Category: Haven
Pairing: Audrey/Nathan
Fic Title: Some like it Hot
Author: reluctant-reporter
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6173526/1/Some_Like_It_Hot
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13/T
Genre: Suspense/Romance
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Started in early season 1 so it is AU for the most part. When Audrey's apartment building burns down, the investigation leads to trouble, as does her new living arrangement - staying with Nathan. Lots of great dialog and a good investigation mixed with romance.

fandom: haven, ship: audrey parker/nathan wournos, !remembered

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