there's a boy in town by jada-jasmine (pg-13)

Jul 27, 2011 21:29

Fandom Category: Pretty Little Liars
Pairing: Hanna Marin/Caleb Rivers
Fic Title: there’s a boy in town, says he’ll love me forever
Author: jada-jasmine
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13 (general series spoilers)
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 27/45

Why This Must Be Read: Not only does this author weave together this beautiful and heartbreaking backstory, she provides some much needed substance to my favorite ship (and one of the few reasons I watch this show). Jada humanizes both of these characters and provides more depth than us viewers will probably ever see on the show. Also, the writing is lovely and almost lyrical.

ship: hanna marin/caleb rivers, fandom: pretty little liars, !remembered, special reccer: abvj

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