"The Penance Series" by Misora

May 14, 2011 11:29

Fandom Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko/Katara
Fic Title: The Penance Series
Author: misora
Rating/Warning(s): R/NC-17 for sexual situations.
Genre: Angst/drama, romance, adult
WIP?: Yes. (Currently 3 chapters, >40K words)

Why This Must Be Read: The road to forgiveness is long and arduous...just ask Zuko. Season 3 Zutara, following the episodes past 312. Rated M for Mature.
This could have arguably been the adult "behind the scenes" version of the last half of the season 3 episodes after the Western Air Temple, when Zuko joins the group. Everyone is remarkably in character, the additional scenes written mesh effortlessly with the canon scenes, and Zuko and Katara's sexual escapades are both tender and wickedly erotic, with plenty of angst and mistrust interspersed throughout. Unfortunately the update schedule seems a bit slow, but the author has reassured that she isn't abandoning this story. Currently awaiting her version of "The Southern Raiders" episode with bated breath.

ship: katara/zuko, fandom: avatar: the last airbender

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