Ozai's Vengeance by Fandomme

Apr 21, 2011 22:37

Fandom Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Katara/Zuko
Fic Title: Ozai's Vengeance
Author: Fandomme
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3688040/1/Ozais_Vengeance
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Romance.
WIP?: No
Special Rec: 13 of 21

Why This Must Be Read: If you only read one Katara/Zuko fanfic, read Ozai's Vengeance. It's a deliciously long, wonderfully plotted fanfic with an incredible Zuko voice. The slow burn and build of Katara and Zuko's relationship is fabulous but it's the revelation of Zuko's long-standing pining and doubts about his worth as a human being that make me really adore this fic. Add in some political intrigue, a few smoking hot sexy scenes, and a portrait of a land recovering from a war and decades of imperialism and you have a fanfic that truly has everything.

Plus, the fandom really embraced this fanfic, so there is a TON of awesome art to go with it.

ship: katara/zuko, fandom: avatar: the last airbender, special reccer: redbrunja

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