in the crumbling walls by crickets (PG-13)

Feb 04, 2011 13:18

Fandom Category: Community
Pairing: Annie Edison/Jeff Winger
Fic Title: in the crumbling walls
Author: crickets
Rating/Warning(s): T, apoca-fic
Genre: Angst, romance, adventure
WIP?: No, one-shot
Special rec: 4/31
Author’s Summary: Not all keys are meant to fit into locks.

Why This Must Be Read: I’d been hoping someone would do a post-apocalyptic Community fic. This is perfect. It’s sweet, stark and yet still very Jeff and Annie. The prose is just lovely to read and it fits so, so well.

fandom: community, ship: annie edison/jeff winger, special reccer: seren_ccd

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