Cracked Stars Shining series by azephirin

Feb 02, 2011 13:42

Fandom Category: Harry Potter/Supernatural/Buffy: The Vampire Slayer/Veronica Mars (whew)
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Dean Winchester, Ginevra Weasley/Sam Winchester, Faith Lehane/Xander Harris
Fic Title: Cracked Stars Shining series
Author: Azipherin, Author at Ao3
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, explicit sex, violence, language, mentions of rape
Genre: Romance, drama, angst, action/adventure, supernatural, mystery
WIP?: Yes, but don’t let that stop you! It’s already reached epic proportions.
Special rec: 2/31
Author’s Summary: For some, the war is over; others are still living battle to battle. New York is a good place to lie low for a while, but no one can hide forever.

Why This Must Be Read: What’s better than a fic that has Hermione Granger paired up with Dean Winchester? A fic that has Hermione Granger paired up with Dean Winchester while living in New York where she works at a supernatural bar run and owned by Xander Harris. Any description I give here isn’t going to do this story justice. It is everything I ever wanted out of Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural. The characters are intelligent, strong, sensual and the story draws on all the various myths of each fandom. Not to mention New York itself being a bit of its own character. Oh, and did I mention the incredibly well-written sex? Settle in a for a long, fullfilling, sexy read. Don’t forget to check out the Ginny/Sam stories as well! It’s become my personal canon.

ship: crossover, ship: faith/xander harris, fandom: supernatural, fandom: veronica mars, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, special reccer: seren_ccd, fandom: harry potter

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