Fandom Category: Star Trek Enterprise
Pairing: Hoshi Sato/Malcolm Reed
Fic Title: Star-Crossed
HERERating/Warning(s): G
Genre: Friendship/possible Romance
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: Exactly where were the possessed crew during 'The Crossing'? This is my favourite (short) post-ep because it paves the way for a future romance in a really wonderful subtle way.
Fandom Category: Star Trek Enterprise
Pairing: Hoshi Sato/Malcolm Reed
Fic Title: Strangers
HERERating/Warning(s): NC-17
Genre: Romance/Angst
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read: The unofficial way Hoshi and Malcolm met and the consequences. Ohhh, the best how-they-met story and not only for the sex. That's hot, too, but the scenes inbetween are written so Hoshi-and-Reed, it's always a pleasure to read it.