Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul
Fandom Category: Gossip Girl
Author: Nyx Underwood
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6434706/1/Between_the_Shadow_and_the_SoulPairing:Chuck Bass/ Blair Waldrof
Genre(s): Romance/Drama
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: "I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where." On the
night of The Truce, Chuck is in an accident that wipes out his memory of the
last three years. What would happen if pilot-era Chuck wakes up to a Brave New
World? Post 4x06,
Why This Must Be Read: Nyx Underwood writes well enough to be a professional - her chracters are tragic and yet hauntingly beautiful and complicated, so she manages to remind me exactly why Iove Chair even after the mess that Season 3 made of them. Maybeyou are thinking that the plot is such a clichè that you won't certainly bother to read it, but trust me, Nyx sells it so good than it nearly looks like a perfect real life situation.