Eight Days a Week by roachpatrol (PG)

Oct 08, 2010 21:02

Fandom Category: Doctor Who
Pairing: Duplicate Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Fic Title: Eight Days a Week
Author: roachpatrol
Link: http://roachpatrol.livejournal.com/49053.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: Post-"Journey's End"
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: The Duplicate Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler finally have their Happily Ever After. The problem with Happily Ever After is that it's really boring.

The WORST alien threat can be thwarted with Hershey's Bars. Even the Daleks are gay and just want to make love, not war:

Don't ask me how it works, what with the tin-can-full-of-squiddy-bits thing they've got going on, but they just sort of show up every once in a while to hand out sex-positive literature and sneer at our decorating.

"Eight Days a Week" is one of the funniest fanfics I've read in a good long time.

fandom: doctor who, ship: rose tyler/the doctor

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