Her Compass by glinda4thegood (PG-13)

Oct 08, 2010 15:28

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Elizabeth Swann/Jack Sparrow
Fic Title: Her Compass
Author: glinda4thegood
Link: http://glinda4thegood.livejournal.com/1420.html
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13
Genre: Drama
Special Rec: 8/31

Why This Must Be Read: It's pretty much a requirement in the Elizabeth/Jack 'ship side of the PotC fandom that if you're going to write them, at least one of your fic's has to be post-Dead Man's Chest (and a rehash of that kiss), so it's always a lovely surprise when you come across one that stands out. With clear writing, spot on characterisations, and pitch-perfect dialogue, Glinda shows us a glimpse as to what could have been after the credits rolled, but before the next title card appeared. Just lovely.

special reccer: anr, fandom: pirates of the caribbean, ship: elizabeth swann/jack sparrow

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