Long Live the Queen by monimala (R)

Oct 03, 2010 17:58

Fandom: Aliens
Pairing: Ellen Ripley/Dwayne Hicks
Fic Title: Long Live the Queen
Author: monimala
Link: http://monimala.livejournal.com/654248.html
Rating/Warning(s): R
Genre: Drama
Special Rec: 3/31

Why This Must Be Read: This is Hicks and Ripley after, no longer in space, no longer running, just trying to adapt (and survive) to a world neither really thought they'd see again. This is about family, and how it's not perfect, not a happily-ever-after, but it is real, it's survival, and it's them together.

Clearly written, with lovely characterisations. This story is awesome.

fandom: aliens, special reccer: anr, ship: ellen ripley/dwayne hicks

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