Fandom Category: Lie to Me
Pairing: Cal Lightman/Gillian Foster
Fic Title: With New Eyes
Author: Fearsome Foursome
hereRating/Warning(s): T, triggers for rape.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance
WIP?: No.
Why This Must Be Read: Because there's angst and misunderstanding and talking and it's more about Gillian than Cal and it's heart-breaking in parts and the ending makes me squee. :)
Fic Title: Double Ace Flush
Author: voodoochild
hereRating/Warning(s): T, spoilers for 2x15 Sweet Sixteen and 2x16 Delinquent.
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No.
Why This Must Be Read: Because it shows Cal's realisation of just how amazingly strong Gillian had to be from what occurred in those eps.
Fic Title: Inconvenient Truths
Author: Jane Elliot
hereRating/Warning(s): G.
Genre: Gen, friendship fic.
WIP?: No.
Why This Must Be Read: The *other* time Cal and Gillian go to Vegas. Fun, interesting and they're so damn cute and awesome with their bantering. Set pre-series.
Fic Title: Stir-Up Sunday
Author: Topaz Eyes
hereRating/Warning(s): T, references to 1x08 Depraved Heart.
Genre: Friendship fic.
WIP?: No.
Why This Must Be Read: Friendship fic with an appearance by Emily! The conversation may be angsty but this fic is all about friendship and memories and family and being there for each other.