Stepping Stones by voleuse (R)

Jul 18, 2010 15:56

Fandom Category: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Anamaria/Jack Sparrow
Fic Title: Stepping Stones
Author: voleuse
Rating/Warning(s): R / none
Genre: Character Study, Post-Movie
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: I loved Anamaria in the first movie, and was very sad and a little frustrated that she wasn't included in any of the sequels. voleuse writes such a strong characterization of Anamaria in this piece, she's someone who knows what she wants and doesn't take any crap from anyone. Her relationship with Jack is at times seemingly complicated, but in actuality very simple.

Anamaria has an understanding with Captain Jack Sparrow.

He treats her like an equal, and she doesn't run him through with a sword.

It works surprisingly well.

fandom: pirates of the caribbean, ship: anamaria/jack sparrow

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