Seasons, by salr323 PG-13

Jul 11, 2010 19:09

Fandom Category: Pirates of the Caribbean

Pairing: Elizabeth Swann/Jack Sparrow

Fic Title: Seasons

Author: salr323

Link: Seasons

Rating/Warning(s): PG-13

Genre:Drama/Romance - post At World's End

WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: There is a motion to this fic that rolls along like the waves of the sea and the changing of the seasons. It twists the heart of the reader and really lets you feel the emotions of the character. salr323 is one of the best in this fandom and at writing this pairing, if not the absolute best. Everything she has written makes you want Jack and Elizabeth to sail off in the sunset together.

fandom: pirates of the caribbean, ship: elizabeth swann/jack sparrow

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