Fandom Category: Mary Poppins
Pairing: Mary/Bert
Fic Title: Where the Air Is Clear
Author: Thistlerose
Where the Air Is ClearRating/Warning(s): general audiences
Genre: Vignette/Angst
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read: Bert and Mary meet again during the Blitz. It's lyrical and lovely, bittersweet and understated. I also love the historical touches--I've been reading a bit about the Blitz lately and have been just knocked off my feet by some of the things I've learned. This fits in perfectly with all those little details about life during the attacks and the way people responded to them while still keeping the characters so quintessentially themselves. Heck, I don't even really read Mary Poppins fic, but I'm glad I took a chance on this one. :-)