Fandom Category: Friday Night Lights
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Fic Title:
Upward Over the MountainAuthor:
lindentreeRating/Warning(s): early chapters - PG-13, later chapters - R/NC-17 for sex
Genre: AU
WIP?: Not any more! It's done!
Why This Must Be Read: Tim/Julie is one of those "so crazy it just might work" non-canon pairings, and it comes up a lot in FNL fic. But this is one of the most realistic interpretations I've read, taking things from the canon Tim Riggins and Julie Taylor we know and love and growing their relationship throughout the course of the story. In the meantime, we also hear from Coach, Mrs. Coach, Tyra, Billy, Mindy, and other Dillon residents, and every voice is just perfect. This is a long piece--15 chapters plus epilogue--but totally worth it. (And definitely do not skip the epilogue!)