Shipper's Manifesto: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)

Apr 29, 2010 02:45

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley


A lot can be said against Draco and Ginny having any sort of relationship that goes beyond name-calling and ancient hatred but some things cannot be denied by anyone. For one, they make a very handsome couple in any case and, secondly - the spark is there!
They come from families that hated each other for, as we know it, generations. One family always shining as the beacon all that is good and right, the other obviously stirring in the dark, enjoying the horrors of this world - for centuries.
This basis in and of itself makes their combination so utterly fascinating because not only do their own personal feelings are in for a ride but half the wizarding community, it seems, takes an interest into their lives.

Though we all know that, apparently, Ginny ends up with Harry I have to say, I never supported that line of thought. Ginny, to me, seemed to be too strong a character, too independent and fiery a person to stick with someone like Harry who, I believe, wants nothing more than rather boring, average daily life after his ordeal with Voldemort is over. While that is understandable, I cannot see Ginny settling for this life as the good little housewives to the ever-popular super-hero. While Harry certainly was her first crush, the first true love of a school girl, that was all there was to it.
It makes more sense for me that they would try a relationship after Hogwarts, without the boundaries of school and impending doom, but would soon realise that what they believed the perfect fairytale was actually anything but. Ginny is too much of a free spirit to be with Harry. I guess, in the end it would have been as if she was dating on of her brothers more than anything else and I certainly think Ginny is someone who desperately needs something solid and real outside of the Weasley-madness. Not that she does not love her family with all her heart, never that. But she has her own life as well, outside of the family. And being with Harry is like being part of the Weasley family 24/7 for the rest of her life.

We all know that Draco enjoys the luxuries his families fortune provides him as much as the next person - more so even. He is rich, smart, handsome and he knows it. Why not be proud of what you got? Growing up in a household such as the Malfoy one cannot have been an easy one at all and I think everyone will agree that Draco definitely has Daddy-issues, a lot. He was forced into a believe system from an early age and, obviously, adopted its teachings in the whole. He knew what not swallowing them up would mean for him and also, watching his parents and their peers, he got a daily performance that, yes, being rich and of pure blood and bring you far in life. It was the easy route to take for him and we all know how he developed with time. What we also know, though, is that he never really was a true Death Eater, a killer. Yeah, he liked to pretend to be all cool and hard-core but, actually, he took no enjoyment from torturing someone else. He may not be the most courageous of blokes but this also shows that he actually has a heart. A rather large one at that.

Ginny and Draco:
Why them, then? I think it is fairly simple to see how Draco would fall for Ginny. Yes, she is a Weasley and he was brought up to hate them. Then again, he was brought up to hate Harry Potter and he still desperately wanted his friendship in the beginning. Ginny would represent to Draco all the things he never really got to be or got to have. She is loved, truly loved, by her family and friends, she has her own head and does not care what anyone thinks and still looks good while "not caring", she is smart, too. But not in the sometimes over-bearing fashion we know from another certain Gryffindor. Simply put, she would be his beacon of light, once he got around his initial, wrongly-taught dislike.
Ginny is stubbern, we know that. And she has her own head. So obviously Draco is the one thing she would try to get her head around. He stand for the absolute opposite of what she is used to and he has a certain danger about him - if only because his father is Lucius Malfoy. To Ginny, Draco would be a challenge on several layers. Intellectually, historically, physically (lets not remember they both love Quidditch) and obviously emotionally.
So, as you can see, once you somehow get passed the fact that they would never freely spend time together, once they are somehow forced to know each other, they would be a perfect match. And that is where us, the authors, step in. We're able to provide these two with the opportunities they were never given in the true story.

And we love doing it, believe me ;)

A/N: Most of the stories I rec are long, complicated and epic, because that is how I like my stories best. Most of them are also quite old aka were written prior to Deathly Hallows being released. Not all of them, mind, but most. I just feel like these are some of the jewels and they need to shine, always!

Fic Rec #1 - Best Drama Story: Draconis and Ginevra
Author: cinnamon badge
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/Extreme Naughty

Why This Must Be Read:
This is Romeo and Juliet, retold. Better, I think even. Then again, I never cared that much for that particular Shakespeare story, I prefer his comedies. This story had me shouting at the screen, punching the air in victory and sobbing for hours. This story gets into your body, overtakes your heart and eats your soul ... this story is simply amazing.

Fic Rec #2 - Best Action/Adventure Story: Dirty Secrets
Author: evanesco
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/Extremely Naughty

Why This Must Be Read:
It's dark, it's hands-on, it's thorough, it is quite addicting. 'Nuff said.

Fic Rec #3 - Best Classic Our Winter
Author: Jade Okelani
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17

Why This Must Be Read:
As you see, I changed the category. There are not that many AU stories of D/G around except, well, that they all are considering the books etc but that's not why we're here.
This was, I believe, one of the very first D/G stories ever, it is considered TEH classic in this fandom and should be read because it really is that good and deserves all the praise it gets!

Fic Rec #4 - Best Angst Story: Theesousand Day's of Innocence
Author: cinnamon badge
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17

Why This Must Be Read:
This could probably be considered cin's master piece. It takes an ENTIRELY new turn on things and though you think you have the entire story figured out, there are so many surprising twists and turns, you're actually surprised. And this has moron/stupid/twat!Harry as a bonus. Well, bonus for me anyways ;)

Fic Rec #5 - Best Fluff Story: Dragon and Angel (plus it's sequels)
Author: dragonsangel68
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/Extremely Naughty

Why This Must Be Read:
No, this story is not overly dramatic or dark. This is the fun. This story reminds you why life is beautiful and that second chances should be granted, always. Still, it never gets boring. This is the story of Draco and Ginny building a life years after they made one, tumbling, mistake that had repercussions. Two, in fact. Two cute, sweet repercussions that you cannot help but to love.

Fic Rec #6 - Best Hurt/Comfort Story: A Bed Made For One
Author: Sarea Okelani
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): PG

Why This Must Be Read:
This story is quite short but it is harsh, utterly real and bittersweet. It takes you to see how a war can ruin a soul and how, still, a tiny flame will always be alight, no matter what.

Fic Rec #7 - Best PWP/Kink Story: PORTKEY PARTY
Author: Sarea Okelani
Link: Here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17/Extremely Naughty

Why This Must Be Read:
For one, the characters are simply brilliant and, even though this story is not that long, have depth. Especially Ginny, being the lead in this one, is portrait wonderfully. The entire set up is just hilarious (imagine Swinger Party in Wizard-Country :P) and the side characters make it all the more amusing. And, obviously, as it needs to be in a story such as this - the smut is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! It's well written, diverse, sexy, funny and very, very satisfying for all parties involved. The entire story is!

Fic Rec #8 - Best Long Story: Ginny Weasley and the Curse of the Firstborn
Author: anniepenrose
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): R

Why This Must Be Read:
The general outline of the story may seem a bit silly and overdone at first, but this is so definitely worth the read. This story is amazing and has you hooked in a matter of seconds. It's got it all, the drama, the angst, the romance, the fluff, the sexy.

Fic Rec #9 - Best Short Story: And With My Childhoods Faith
Author: peki
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17

Why This Must Be Read:
This story is not that long but it seems to be an epic novel because in such a short time, the author dives deep into the characters and turns them all over, it's breathtaking.

Fic Rec #10 - Best Overall Romantic Story: Dragon Kisses
Author: davesmom
Link: here you go
Rating/Warning(s): PG

Why This Must Be Read: In this fluffy piece from Davesmom, Draco is conniving, Ginny is enterprising, and we're all dragged along for the fun. Dragon Kisses treats us to a game of truth or dare, chocolate and cinnamon, and one of the sweetest, yet spiciest, kisses in D/G fanfiction.

special: manifesto, ship: ginny weasley/draco malfoy, fandom: harry potter

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