Fandom Category: White Collar
Pairing: Elizabeth/Peter
Fic Title: Beautiful
BeautifulRating/Warning(s): NC-17
Genre: PWP
WIP?: No
Why This Must Be Read:
In this fic,
lionessvalenti proves that sex between an established couple (a married couple, even) doesn't have to be boring -- on the contrary it can be so much hotter, because these people know each other. They know exactly how to turn each other on, and they love making each other feel good.
Furthermore, as with any good PWP, it's not JUST about the sex -- the characterisation is excellent too. The author captures both Peter and Elizabeth beautifully, and shows us how the loving and healthy dynamic we see between them on screen translates to more private, intimate moments. It's realistic too -- all too often, in porn, good sex=unrealistic sex, but that isn't the case here.