I'll Find a Way To You If It Kills Me by fringedweller, (R)

Nov 19, 2009 09:59

Fandom Category: Star Trek: Reboot
Pairing: Christine Chapel/Roger Korby, Christine Chapel/Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura/Spock
Fic Title: I'll Find a Way To You If It Kills Me
Author: fringedweller
Link: http://tobinfic.livejournal.com/tag/big+bang+2009
Rating/Warning(s): R in places, mostly less. AU.
Genre: Backstory, friendship, adventure, romance.
WIP?: Complete.

Why This Must Be Read: This is a very good, very detailed back story on the Reboot-verse's Christine Chapel. Fringe does a great job of taking the original universe back story on Chapel and tweaking it here and there to fit the new universe and all the challenges and changes therein. Weirdly enough, this author's Jim Kirk is one of the best portrayals I've read, and I love that what romance there is has a slow burn to it. This is, honestly, a great story and one I'd recommend reading, no matter who your ship is.

ship: christine chapel/roger korby, ship: nyota uhura/spock, fandom: star trek (reboot), ship: christine chapel/leonard mccoy

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