Firefly, 2 recs, multiple pairings

Mar 30, 2018 18:50

Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Zoe Washburne/Hoban Washburne
Title: Indistinguishable From Magic
Author: kieyra
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 3,046 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: A fix-it that’s slow and satisfying as it reveals its secrets.


Fandom: Firefly, the Bible
Pairing: Kaylee Frye/Simon Tam, Ruth/Malcolm Reynolds
Title: Ruth on a Firefly
Author: in_the_beginning
Rating/Warning(s): G
Word Count/WIP?: 3,801 (complete)
Recced on LiveJournal By: stars_inthe_sky

Why This Must Be Read: Strange but strangely compelling, this seemingly incongruous combination of stories comes together in one lovely, understated consideration of the Book of Ruth’s famous line, “where you go, I will go.”

ship: crossover, ship: zoe washburne/hoban washburne, ship: kaylee frye/simon tam, fandom: firefly, fandom: the bible

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