Four The Martian Recs (Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck)

Mar 23, 2018 07:17

Fandom: The Martian
Pairing: Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck
Title: Bless Those Tired Eyes
Author: thenewradical
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Teen. None.
Word Count/WIP?: 4,161. No.
Recced on LiveJournal By: profshallowness

Why This Must Be Read: The summary is:
Johanssen suggests that Beck sleep in her bunk since it's closest to the med bay and Watney.
This goes exactly as well as you would expect. What ensues is charming, revelling in the gradual progression of the relationship between these nerds in love, of a small crew.

Fandom: The Martian
Pairing: Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck
Title: like we’re the stars of the human race
Author: singsongsung
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): General Audiences, none.
Word Count/WIP?:2,293, no.
Recced on LiveJournal By: profshallowness

Why This Must Be Read: Like the movie, there’s a sincerity to this that’s really lovely.

Fandom: The Martian
Pairing: Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck
Title: Of A Star
Author: rubyneye
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Teen. None.
Word Count/WIP?: 4,824 words, no.
Recced on LiveJournal By: profshallowness

Why This Must Be Read: Lovely 5+1 ‘moments’ fic, with well-chosen ‘moments’, and I love Beth's agency throughout.

Fandom: The Martian
Pairing: Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck
Title: match point
Author: sevenfoxes
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Mature, none.
Word Count/WIP?: 5,484, no.
Recced on LiveJournal By: profshallowness

Why This Must Be Read: Following Johanssen and Beck from crew selection to beyond the movie, it’s got slow burn and interested observers as their attempt to be professional (in extreme circumstances) battles their feelings.

ship: beth johanssen/chris beck, fandom: the martian

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