the gods may throw the dice (their minds as cold as ice) by rajishana (M)

Oct 10, 2017 14:45

Fandom: American Gods
Paring: Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Title: the gods may throw the dice (their minds as cold as ice)
Author: rajishana
Rating/Warning(s): Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 9,816
Recced on LiveJounral By: lyingwithwolves

Why This Must Be Read: First of all: AU where Laura meets Mad Sweeney at the casino instead of Shadow. If that doesn't make you interested, then the spot on characterization and dialogue, the cameo by Wednesday, and the way the author makes the story flow so seamlessly should do it. She keeps with most of the show's canon with just a few tweaks, yet I honestly enjoyed this story more than Season 1. I can't remember what life was like before I read this fic.

ship: laura moon/mad sweeney, fandom: american gods

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