Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing: Sara lance/Leonard Snart
Title: Remember, remember
Author: Fairest
AO3Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count/WIP?: 782
Recced on LiveJournal By:
syd15Special Rec: 17/?
Why This Must Be Read: I'm still not over Snart's death so, here, have a fic in which he didn't actually died (he did die, but didn't stay that way).
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing: Sara lance/Leonard Snart
Title: We belong way down below
Author: Fairest
AO3Rating/Warning(s): Teen and up
Word Count/WIP?: 3671
Recced on LiveJournal By:
syd15Special Rec: 18/?
Why This Must Be Read: Another fic by the same author but as I was introducing the info for the rec I realised that since I read the last one she wrote another one and this one is even better. I’m in love with this one. It’s the same in that in both fics Snart doesn’t die but also doesn’t remember the team, but the differences are enough to make them both stand out in their own right. I specially love that this fic uses Snart’s POV to tell the whole story because you discover what’s happening along with him even though as the reader, and because you know these people he keeps seeing, you know there’s something else going on.
MODS: I need a fandom & ship tag, please. (
blithers, tagging so you see this)