Fandom: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Title: Reckless in your heart
Link: Teen and Up
Word Count/WIP?: 3480
Recced on LiveJournal By:
syd15Special Rec: 9/?
Why This Must Be Read:Bonnie/Clyde AU, need I say more? If you are like me, then yess lol It took me a while to read this fic after I found it because I just wasn't sure if I was gonna like, but damn is it good. SO GOOD.
Fandom: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Title: Life doesn't have a snooze button
lone_pyramidLink: PG
Word Count/WIP?: 4345
Recced on LiveJournal By:
syd15Special Rec: 10/?
Why This Must Be Read: 5 + 1 fic, which is a format that I adore. This fic was written back in 2013 but I only read it for the first time las year and what a fantastic surprise to find something so good unexpectedly. Every fragment is so beautiful, and depics the characters so well, it's like getting to see never-seen snippets from the actual show.
Fandom: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Title: Heavy Upon my skin
missymegginsLink: PG
Word Count/WIP?: 1062
Recced on LiveJournal By:
syd15Special Rec: 11/?
Why This Must Be Read: I was making sure that I hadn't recced some of these fics before and found this gem that I never read back in the day. Missymeggins has always been one of my fave writers in any fandom she writes and she delivered once more. This piece gives us some insight into Nathan's mindset after Audrey goes into the barn and the angst in it it's delightful in that it makes you want to hug him and don't let go.
Fandom: Haven
Pairing: Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos
Title: Somehow the same
Author: mrs_nerimon
Link: Teen and Up
Word Count/WIP?: 2552
Recced on LiveJournal By:
syd15Special Rec: 12/?
Why This Must Be Read: This fic deals so well with the whole "Audrey has been so many others". I always wondered how Audrey herself felt about all the girls that came before her, or how she felt about Nathan being with Sarah. This fic depics my thoughts on the matter, it might be romanticized but I don't care, I want to believe that there's always something "Audrey" to all of them, something that inside makes them the same loving human being and that Nathan can recognaise that part of her (it certainly helps me deal with the end of the show).