Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, 6 recs, Skye/Grant Ward

Aug 07, 2017 16:13

Hello friends, I'm gonna be your reccer for the month, I know I'm starting late but I have a list of 21+ fandoms and 60+ fics to rec so from now on you'll be seeing me post A LOT!

August was also my month last year and I ended it with AOS, I thought I would start the same way.

Again, as I said before I have a very complex relationship with this show yada yada yada, not as many fics this time because even though I love this ship as much as I love fitzsimmons I haven't read that much for them, IT'S COMPLICATED GUYS.

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Skye/Grant Ward
Title: Under my skin
Author: Poetgirl925
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Word Count/WIP?: 70817, WIP
Recced on LiveJournal By: syd15
Special Rec: 1/?

Why This Must Be Read: I doubt there's any Skyeward shipper out there that hasn't read this fic, but I'll rec it anyway because it is my absolute favorite. Set during season one or at least there was no Hydra takeover. Fake relationship trope, so wonderfully written. The banter between these two has always been my favorite thing and this fic delivers! This fic owns my soul and I weep every day that goes by and isn't updated, but the author says it will get finished so I have hope! (You should also read everything she has because she's gooood)

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Skye/Grant Ward
Title: Know your Enemy
Author: Favoredfire
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Mature
Word Count/WIP?: WIP
Recced on LiveJournal By: syd15
Special Rec: 2/?

Why This Must Be Read: It's another WIP and I would say sorry but I won't because it is THAT good. Also, I promise, no more WIPs. Summary from the author:

Following SHIELD's fall from grace, Skye navigated the trust issues and desperate power grabs with Hydra while struggling with her new powers. Meanwhile, Ward worked to rid himself of any emotional attachments and forget the past that seemed to follow him everywhere.

But when a mission gone wrong results in two becoming entangled, it begins a startling chain of events that changes the two enemy spies and affects everyone around them with consequences no one could expect.

What I love about this fic is the relationships between the characters and how actions have consecuencies for everyone and how even tho there's accountability there's no real bashing of characters. I love the skye portrayed in this story so much, and I love love love her Ward, I love being able to get insight into his mindset and why he does what he does. I would have loved it if the show had decided to go in this direction.

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Skye/Grant Ward
Title: and isn't this exactly where you'd like me
Author: almostfamousgrl
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Word Count/WIP?: 7927
Recced on LiveJournal By: syd15
Special Rec: 3/?

Why This Must Be Read: Male Scort au. Fun and hot and so very very akward.

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Skye/Grant Ward
Title: If the fates allow
Author: evieoh
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 12938
Recced on LiveJournal By:syd15
Special Rec: 4/?

Why This Must Be Read: This fic is filled with tropes (meet cute, stranded at airport, enemies to lovers) and I absolutely adore it. I had so much FUN, something that by the nature of this show and ship is just so hard to find. The banter is awesome.

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Skye/Grant Ward
Title: Of Death and Life (Series)
Author: Matareyes
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): The highest rating is Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 10743 (The author has it marked as "not completed", but the way I see it, the way the last one ended, it could be)
Recced on LiveJournal By: syd15
Special Rec: 5/?

Why This Must Be Read: Okay so I LOVE this fic but I understand how it might not be everybody's cup of tea. If you love Coulson and think he's done nothing wrong then this is not the story for you. But if you are willing to overlook that, this story portrays Hive as Death and it does it beautifully, it's so interesting the way Death behaves. And the Skye here resembles so much the skye from the first season, harder and wiser sure, but her willingness to talk and see beneath the surface, to care and to try and always do the right thing, everything that I loved about her is there.

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Skye/Grant Ward
Title: The Persistence of Memory
Author: Eienvine
Link: AO3
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and Up
Word Count/WIP?: 32326
Recced on LiveJournal By: syd15
Special Rec: 6/?

Why This Must Be Read: When the show hinted at making Ward go through the T.a.h.i.t.i. protocol I was absolutely against it, I wanted something else. I wanted a redemption arc in which we got accountability for his actions and him trying to be good while dealing with everything he had done but then the show took Ward's character in another direction completely and I ended wishing he had gone through the protocol afterall. This story has Ward going through the protocol.

ship: skye/grant ward, fandom: agents of shield, special reccer: syd15

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