Aaand, I'm done. 31 recs for 31 days of May, even if I posted them in batches and not per day. I hope you found something great to read among them. For the final rec, I'm revisiting my current favourite ship from the beginning of the month. Because I want to and because I really love this fic
Fandom: Attack on Titan
Pairing: Mikasa Ackerman/Levi Ackerman
Title: To You, Twenty Years From Now
AO3Rating/Warning(s): T; none
Word Count/WIP?: 5 834; complete
Recced on LiveJournal By:
mirime_vySpecial Rec: 31 of 31
Why This Must Be Read: A future fic (sort-of-jossed by manga but theoretically still possible) where the two reunite after years apart. It gave me such a feeling of satisfaction after I finished it for the first time and I periodically come back to reread it.