The Passion According to Angela Chase by Lapislight

Apr 20, 2017 13:08

Fandom: My So-Called Life
Pairing: Angela Chase/Brian Krakow
Title: The Passion According to Angela Chase
Author: Lapislight (ScheherazadeBet)
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and up
Word Count/WIP?: 2957/No
Recced on Tumblr By: seren_ccd
Special Rec:  20 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: This show got so many things spot on. The utter awkwardness of high school with those moments of sudden insight and everything being just SO MUCH. This fic nails all of that. It draws you in and is just plain amazing.

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ship: angela chase/brian krakow, fandom: my so-called life, special reccer: seren_ccd

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