Black Sails, 2 recs, Abigail Ashe/Billy Bones

Apr 10, 2017 09:34

Fandom: Black Sails
Pairing:  Abigail Ashe/Billy Bones
Title:  An Exchange of Letters
Author: hiddencait
Rating/Warning(s): Gen (for now)
Word Count/WIP?: 5564/Yes
Recced on LiveJournal By:  seren_ccd
Special Rec:  10 of ?

Why This Must Be Read:  First off - read all of hiddencait’s fics.  You’ll thank yourself.  She has a fantastic grip on prose and tells a great story.  You should most definitely start with this fic!  There is a tiny little rowboat in the Black Sails fandom devoted to the non-existent ship of Abigail Ashe and Billy Bones.  They shared a grand total of 30 seconds of screen time together, but don’t let that stop you!  The fic that’s been generated is fantastic!  This fic picks up more or less where season three started and is based around a possible correspondence between these two.  It’s sweet, thoughtful, and wonderfully written.

Fandom:  Black Sails
Pairing:  Abigail Ashe/Billy Bones
Title:  We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This
Author: MarieTurtle
Link: (link to series)
Rating/Warning(s):  Mature, sex, language, mild violence
Word Count/WIP?:  35,077/Yes
Recced on LiveJournal By:  seren_ccd
Special Rec:  11 of ?

Why This Must Be Read:  This series takes the notion of the above fic and runs with it!  It’s exciting, well-written, and you will fall in love with these characters all over again.  It has adventure, pirates, romance, and ladies being awesome and capable.  It offers a wonderful alternative to season four.  This is one I go back to again and again when I need a good comfort read.

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fandom: black sails, ship: abigail ashe/billy bones, special reccer: seren_ccd

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