Distraction by caramelle

Apr 08, 2017 15:07

Fandom: From Dusk till Dawn (TV)
Pairing: Kate Fuller/Seth Gecko
Title: Distraction
Author: caramelle
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9719186
Rating/Warning(s): Mature - pretty much only because of the language
Word Count/WIP?: 3895/No
Recced on Tumblr By: seren_ccd
Special Rec: 8 of ?

Why This Must Be Read: This is a hilarious AU where Kate and Seth ride a Ferris Wheel. And Seth’s afraid of heights. Trust me, it’s comedy gold and amazingly in character. While you’re there, read all of caramelle’s fics, because they’re wonderful.

Originally Posted At: https://het-reccers.tumblr.com/post/159344561639

fandom: from dusk till dawn (tv), ship: kate fuller/seth gecko, special reccer: seren_ccd

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