Elementary, Two Recs, Joan Watson/Sherlock Holmes

Mar 31, 2017 07:18

I've had a lot of fun this month.  Thank you so much for allowing me to rec stories!

Fandom: Elementary
Pairing: Joan Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Title: A Hawk in My Heart
Author: napricot
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Explict/None
Word Count/WIP?: 23,239/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 40 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: Author's ( Read more... )

fandom: elementary, ship: joan watson/sherlock holmes, special reccer: honor_reid

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Comments 2

tinnny April 2 2017, 08:01:10 UTC
Thank you! Those sound great!


honor_reid April 3 2017, 05:18:34 UTC
You are very Welcome. Enjoy!


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