The Librarians, Two Recs, Cassandra Cillian/Ezekiel Jones

Mar 23, 2017 13:10

Fandom: The Librarians
Pairing: Cassandra Cillian/Ezekiel Jones
Title: Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
Author: loonyBibliophile
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Teen/Canonical terminal illness
Word Count/WIP?: 3,124/None
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 24 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: Soulmate AU. What I loved about this story was how Cassandra's view of soulmates changes when she gets her diagnosis and how she deals with meeting her soulmate when she becomes a Librarian. Poignant, lovely, and well written.

Fandom: The Librarians
Pairing: Cassandra Cillian/Ezekiel Jones
Title: Synesthesia
Author: Chrononautical
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): M/None
Word Count/WIP?: 1,081
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 25 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: Author's Summary: Cassandra can feel Ezekiel's voice. I love Cassandra's pov in this story, it is perfect. The story is just so sensual and so well done. Simply beautiful.

ship: cassandra cillian/ezekiel jones, fandom: the librarians, special reccer: honor_reid

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