Star Wars, Five Recs, Rey/Finn

Mar 17, 2017 10:22

Fandom: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Pairing: Rey/Finn
Title: In a Sky Full of Stars
Author: SuspenDisbelief
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Mature/None
Word Count/WIP?: 22,448/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 17 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: In a vast galaxy, there are two people who keep finding each other over and over again. ( Read more... )

ship: rey/finn, special reccer: honor_reid, fandom: star wars

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Comments 2

tinnny March 19 2017, 20:31:35 UTC
Oooooh, thank you! Those all go on my to-read pile!


honor_reid March 20 2017, 14:38:19 UTC
You're welcome. Enjoy!


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