Sleepy Hollow, Two Recs, Abbie Mills/Ichabod Crane

Mar 15, 2017 11:51

Fandom: Sleepy Hollow
Pairing: Abbie Mills/Ichabod Crane
Title: Trust and Love
Author: CastleriggCircle (BanjoOnMyKnee)
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Mature/Unplanned Pregnancy, Self-Harm (for magic spells)
Word Count/WIP?: 84,108/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 14 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: Author's Summary: What if what we saw in Tempus Fugit was only a fraction of what Abbie experienced in 1781? Specifically, the fraction she decided to tell Crane, Jenny, and Irving about...  I absolutely fell in love with this story.  The way the author wrote Abbie and Ichabod was perfectly in character.  I loved their interactions, and the journey they go on.  The plot was so intriguing and well done. I was at the edge of my seat for most of the fic and the ending was so satisfying. This is how the show should've ended.

Fandom: Sleepy Hollow
Pairing: Abbie Mills/Ichabod Crane
Title: where the streets have no name
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Link: Here
Word Count/WIP?: 18,200/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 15 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: Author's Summary: There they were, literally the only two people in the world. Abbie didn't know whether to view that as an opportunity to breach the distance, or a torturous exercise in being constantly within arm's reach of what she desperately wanted and couldn't have. AU during episode 3.8 Novus Ordo Seclorum.  Abbie and Ichabod become trapped together and are finally able to have an honest talk about all that has occurred between the two of them.  This is a very well-written story that you will absolutely love.

fandom: sleepy hollow (tv), special reccer: honor_reid, ship: abbie mills/ichabod crane

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