Closure by Ayiana2 (PG)

Mar 11, 2017 19:08

Fandom: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Pairing: Amanda King/Lee Stetson
Title: Closure
Author: Ayiana2
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): PG/None
Word Count/WIP?: 2,590/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 10 of 41

Why This Must Be Read: This story is a tag for the episode Bad Timing.  Amanda is having a hard time letting go of the fact that Lee almost died, so she pays him a visit.  Ayiana2 has such a way with words that this short story comes across as very intimate and very loving.

ship: amanda king/lee stetson, fandom: scarecrow and mrs. king, special reccer: honor_reid

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