Fandom: Pride and Prejudice
Pairing: Charlotte Lucas/OC
Title: Loose Threads: Charlotte
Author: Lizzy C.
HereRating/Warning(s): PG/None
Word Count/WIP?: 10,772/No
Recced on LiveJournal By:Honor_Reid
Special Rec: 8 of 41
Why This Must Be Read: Author's Summary: When Charlotte is given a small annuity in return for an inestimable service to Mr. Darcy, her prospects alter considerably. Rejecting the first suitor who comes to hand, she finds happiness at Pemberley instead. Although technically this story is a sequel, I do believe you can read it without any confusion. Basically Charlotte saves Elizabeth, and Darcy expresses his gratitude by giving Charlotte an annual annuity. This gives Charlotte the ability to no longer be a burden on her parents and instead she is able to lead an independent life. While staying with the Darcy's she meets a widowed pastor by the name of Charles Phipps. Their romance is very sweet and lovely. If you have ever wished for more for Charlotte then this is the story for you.