"Our Tangled Bodies Are Going To Take Years of Undoing" by Zagzagael

Feb 28, 2017 22:25

Fandom: Bloodline
Pairing: Danny Rayburn/Janey Rayburn
Title: Our Tangled Bodies Are Going To Take Years of Undoing
Author: Zagzagael
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3840430
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and up/One incestuous kiss.
Word Count/WIP?: 2054/No.
Recced on ( Read more... )

fandom: bloodline, special reccer: only_more_love, ship: janey rauburn/danny rayburn

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Comments 2

stars_inthe_sky March 1 2017, 14:34:42 UTC
Tags added! But I think you have the wrong AO3 link there...


only_more_love March 1 2017, 14:57:50 UTC
Oops! Thank you for the heads-up, and sorry for the incorrect link. That's what I get for copying and pasting from previous posts. :(


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