Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Melissa McCall/Bobby Finstock
Title: Adult Situations
Author: peroxidepest17
Link: Teen and Up/None
Word Count/WIP?: 3026/No
Recced on LiveJournal By:
only_more_loveSpecial Rec: 8/20
Why This Must Be Read: The adults on Teen Wolf don't get enough love/airtime for my taste. But that's where fic can come in and fill in the blanks. I never thought I would 'ship Melissa and Coach Finstock, and I'm still not entirely sure I do, but in this story, it totally works. Apparently tequila and Melissa McCall don't mix well and instead wind up leading to questionable decisions. *g* The author has an ear for Coach-like dialogue, and she gets Melissa's voice right, too. If you're even peripherally interested in Teen Wolf, give this story a shot because it humanizes both Bobby and Melissa and gives them richer lives than we ever get to see on TV. (The Sheriff Stilinski/Melissa friendship in this fic is a nice bonus.)
Mods: Could we please get a ship tag for Melissa McCall/Bobby Finstock?