Fandom: The Killing
Pairing: Sarah Linden/Stephen Holder
Title: Sleep
Author: Lilysmum
Link: Teen and Up
Word Count/WIP?: 1195
Recced on LiveJournal By:
only_more_loveSpecial Rec: 3/20
Why This Must Be Read: This story reads intense, hot, and sweet. Linden and Holder's dialogue here isn't just entertaining; it's believable, too. Their back and forth is precious. These two say so much without actually saying it. The author captured their dynamic and their vulnerability just beautifully. These two characters are each needy, broken survivors in their own way, and when written right, they fit together perfectly. In this story, they are written right. Actually, if you're a fan of Linden/Holder, you should just go read every single story Lilysmum has written about them. ;)