The Doors Between Them by Monker (Teen and Up Audiences)

Jan 18, 2017 18:55

Fandom: Iron Man
Pairing: Pepper Potts/Phil Coulson
Title: The Doors Between Them
Author: Monker
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 35,030/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: CrazyMaryT
Special Rec: 18/20

Why This Must Be Read: Tony goes missing and Phil makes it his job to protect Pepper. That means staying at his place. *sighs* This is the trope of all tropes. I love watching their feelings develop and all the awkward moments as said feelings come into play. Then Pepper gets hurt and Phil has to be magnanimous. It’s just so perfect.

ship: pepper potts/phil coulson, special reccer: crazymaryt, fandom: marvel, fandom: iron man

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