Shadows and Shapes by katalizi (Teen and Up Audiences)

Jan 16, 2017 19:43

Fandom: Agents of Shield
Pairing: Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Title: Shadows and Shapes
Author: katalizi
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 113,028/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: CrazyMaryT
Special Rec: 16 /20

Why This Must Be Read: Amnesia. Angst. Trips into the memory machine. What more do I need to say? I love this story for the memories alone. They feel right for Melinda. These two never discuss anything about what they are really feeling and it’s glorious. I keep recc’ing angst-filled stories but I can’t stop myself. I’m so drawn to it and this is a very good example of angst for my fave spies.

fandom: agents of shield, special reccer: crazymaryt, ship: melinda may/phil coulson

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