The Velvet Dark by EastAnglia (Rated T)

Jan 07, 2017 15:55

Fandom: Island at War
Pairing: Felicity Dorr/Heinrich Von Rheingarten
Title: The Velvet Dark
Author: EastAnglia
Rating/Warning(s): Rated T
Word Count/WIP?: 55,288/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: CrazyMaryT
Special Rec: 7/20

Why This Must Be Read:If you watched Island at War you know Clare Holman and Philip Glenister had some smoking hot chemistry. It’s really difficult not to ship Felicity and the Baron. This story is smut filled goodness and has so much angst. I really love all that Felicity goes through. It shows how strong she is and vulnerable at the same time. This really is a good follow up for the characters not getting a series 2. T/W The series takes place during WWII so there is Nazi stuff.

Mods can I get a fandom tag for Island at War and ship tag for Felicity Dorr/Heinrich Von Rheingarten?

special reccer: crazymaryt, ship: felicity dorr/heinrich von rheinga, fandom: island at war

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