Weird and Interesting by kethni (Teen and Up Audiences)

Jan 03, 2017 18:26

Fandom: VEEP
Pairing: Sue Wilson/Kent Davison
Title: Weird and Interesting
Author: kethni
Rating/Warning(s): Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count/WIP?: 85460/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: CrazyMaryT
Special Rec: 3/20

Why This Must Be Read: This is the first story I remember reading for this pairing. When I found it I was so elated that someone else was getting more out of the sparse minutes of screentime Sue and Kent were sharing in S3 and decided to fic one of the best stories for the couple ever written. I love what kethni does with both individuals. The backstory kethni gives Kent satisfies the angst whore in me. It’s probably why I am so addicted to the author’s VEEP stories. There’s fluffy stuff as well and it makes watching these two fall for each (with the backdrop of S3) delightful.

Mods can I get a Sue Wilson/Kent Davison tag?

special reccer: crazymaryt, fandom: veep, ship: sue wilson/kent davison

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