Fandom: Narnia
Pairing: Aravis/Cor
Title: In a Strange Land
Author: unoriginal-elizabeth
Link: PG
Word Count/WIP?: 3,055, complete
Recced on LiveJournal By: zantedesha
Special Rec: 1/31
Why This Must Be Read: For my very first Special Rec I’m turning to a Christmas classic: Narnia! But while both the 80's tv show and the newer movies were fuel for many a daydream, the books were always my favorite and none more than The Horse and His Boy. Aravis is the princess for the post-Disney crowd: fierce, fiery, flawed and flawless. And this lyrical story by unoriginal-elizabeth tells of both the pride she has in her people and her people’s history and the choice she made to remake herself into a better person, the person Cor right from the beginning saw her as.
Mods, can I have a Aravis/Cor tag? ;)