Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: girl!John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Title: Arcana
Author: rosa_acicularis
Link: Mature
Word Count/WIP?: 46k, WIP
Recced on LiveJournal By:
blithersSpecial Rec: 2/20
Why This Must Be Read: I hadn’t originally planned on reccing this story this month, but how could I resist considering our challenge of magical fics for November? This is one of those WIPs I keep coming back to: it’s a dense, lyrical AU world where Joanna Watson is a witch, practicing a beautifully constructed, sharply domestic type of magic, and Sherlock is - as always - Sherlock. I love the inherent gruff practicality of Joanna in this story, the unique worldbuilding, and the inherent mystery of a world where magic secretly exists bouncing off of Sherlock’s rational mindset.
Also, I’ve assumed for a while now that this fic was essentially abandoned (it was last updated in 2013), but there’s an author’s note as of June of this year that the rosa_acicularis is working to finish the last couple chapters, so maybe there's hope! I'm crossing my fingers, and subscribed.