Mod Post: Community Tagging and Account Status

Oct 17, 2016 14:54

Hi friends! While we're in the midst of an awesome anniversary celebration, we've got some not-as-fun mod business to discuss.

The paid subscription for het_reccers is about to run out, which means our tag limit will be reduced to to 1000. Currently, we have nearly 3,000 tags in use, thanks to our status as a paid account. (Paid accounts can have up to 4000 tags.) This means that right now, while we won't lose any of our current tags, we also won't be able add any new tags once the paid status expires-which would be a bummer, especially for getting new fandoms and ships into our archive. A paid account also keeps our community ad-free.

In the past, members of this community have been incredibly generous and bought het_reccers a paid LiveJournal subscription. This is in no way a requirement for us to continue to be a healthy, active community-or for anyone to continue to be active members of it-but if you have the means and inclination to support this community's ability to continue archiving in full, please consider contributing.

Thanks for everything you bring to this community, folks!


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