Challenge 166: Anniversary Reccing Challenge

Oct 01, 2016 11:13

In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has monthly rec challenges issued by the mods.

Challenge 166:

Category: Anniversary Reccing Challenge
Deadline: November 1
Challenge: We’re doing an anniversary-themed reccing challenge this month, to celebrate eight years of het-reccers!

We have eight reccing categories, corresponding to traditional anniversary present themes. Feel free to interpret these any way you want: paper could mean epistolary fics, or anything were the written word plays a part; leather could be BDSM or the leather of saddles or armor (westerns! gladiators!); wood could be any fic set in a forest or the outdoors, or could be any story where a character sports wood (ahem). Use your imagination!

Our reccing categories are (courtesy of Wikipedia):

First year: Paper
Second year: Cotton
Third year: Leather
Fourth year: Linen, silk, fruit, or flowers
Fifth year: Wood
Sixth year: Iron, sugar
Seventh year: Wool or copper
Eighth year: Bronze or salt

No need to sign up; just rec away, and let us know which category your rec fits into. We’ll round up and celebrate everybody who participated at the end of the month, with a special shoutout for anybody who “bingos” this challenge and posts recs that fit all eight categories over the course of the month.

As always, to post a rec on Tumblr, follow the simple directions on our submit page.

To post a rec on LiveJournal, you don’t need to ask for posting rights-just become a community member, copy/paste the text below, and post it as a new entry!

Word Count/WIP?:
Recced on LiveJournal By:

Why This Must Be Read:


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